Whereas the negotiations on Brexit continue, English citizens who want to stay in the European Union make initiatives. Madeleina Kay launched since June 2016 a project ‘ Letters of Europe’. The initiative intends to show to the others European than some English inhabitants are deceived by the pro-Brexit campaign and they want to continue with the 27.

1000 letters, 1000 messages of solidarity, love, marks of attachments to Europe. These papers were collected and sent in to Brussels by Madeleina kay’s team. This young woman native from the North United Kingdom launched and realized this project with a restricted team: Drew Galdron, Boris Johnson, Charlie Grosvenor and with her iconic dog , Alba. “I was preoccupied by the message Brexit carry to our friends all around Europe. Many citizens feel rejected by the decision”, she said. Madeleina Kay tries therefore to show the attachment of the United Kingdom to the European Union by meeting other citizens. Those are mainly receptive and they change even perception on their English neighbours. A European citizen even sent him a message to explain that thanks to his approach, he had changed his opinion on English people. Before, he thought that they only were simple nationalists and Brexit partisans. «The project has definitively influenced the point of view of numerous Europeans on Brexit» she congratulates herself. Madeleina Kay already met personality from European Institution such as Belgium Prime Minister, Guy Verhofstadt. The mission seems well started.
A anti-UE propaganda
“The Britannic nation, by ignorance and lack of education, was efficiently defrauded to vote the Brexit. Finally, this decision will harm people already discriminated by the government. Of course, problems with EU exist. However, the advantages are numerous in comparison to negative aspects” explain Madeleina. Her approach is to demonstrate to the other European citizens that country authorities would have lured their English neighbours. She is working on it with her campaign #stopBrexit.
The young English interviewed during the visit of Toi d’Europe in the United Kingdom also criticized the methods of the campaign pro-Brexit. For them, they would have influence the vote by sharing false information towards the EU: The stop of the immigration, the important savings by going out of the EU, the sovereignty of the country.The red bus of the Leave stay one of the major examples. It was driving through the country denouncing that the kingdom gave 350 millions pounds to EU each week. And thus, its founds could have been used in particular to serve the National Health Service, the English Social Security.
It’s a lie. Through this fight on the scandals of Brexit, Madeleina Kay also wishes « Give a voice to the remaining activists in Great Britain, to tell to our European friends that we do our utmost for fighting Brexit and even if we cannot stop it, we want to stay friends « .
Her claiming in song
The young English remains very active on the social networks. She delivers her message through her Twitter account followed by thousands of people. Her YouTube page knows a great success too with its videos seen more than 23 000 times. She sings songs, realizes interviews or records her meetings with other people who are against the Brexit. Internet users congratulate her work with many support messages such as: “Continue to fight, we want Great Britain back in the EU”, “Great job, we want that you stay with us in the UE”…
Just before Christmas and New Year holidays Madeleina recorded a video in French where she sings her wishes for Christmas and for this New Year. No presents under the Christmas tree, as she says » all that I want, it’s the EU « .
The English super girl does not want to stop and this New Year will allow her to continue its anti-Brexit crusade. She wishes her message would be more transmitted throughout the European Union and make people more aware about the subject, “I am determined to spend the year to campaign and end with the madness whick takes place in our country”.
Translate: Bastien Hériaud